Future Farmers of America
FFA is a national organization, with local chapters in all 50 states!
All students are welcome to join, grades 7-12.
To participate in regional, state, and national activities, students must be enrolled in one semester of agriculture class per school year.
What can I do in FFA? Click on the links to learn more or see Mrs. Tax for more details.
Career Development Events, Leadership Conferences, Awards, Scholarships, Conventions, Recreation, Meetings, Meals
What is OD? OD means Official Dress. It means wearing black pants, black shoes, white button-up shirt, FFA tie/scarf, and FFA blue corduroy jacket.
FFA Camps
The State Greenhand Leadership Conference is intended for Greenhand FFA members. The camp is held at the Deep Portage Conservation Reserve near Hackensack, Minnesota. While there, members get the chance to meet the state officers, FFA members from across the state, and better their knowledge of the FFA.SLCCL
The State Leadership Conference for Chapter Leaders is intended for members after they have attended SGLC. The camp is held at the Deep Portage Conservation Reserve near Hackensack, Minnesota. While there, members learn about the chapter officer duties, meet FFA members from across the state, and better their knowledge of the FFA.Red, White, and You
The Red, White, and You Conference is hosted by the Minnesota Farm Bureau. The chapter would like to thank the Morrison County Farm Bureau for sponsoring the Pierz FFA members to attend this event. The conference is held in St. Peter, Minnesota, at the Gustavus Adolfus College Campus. While there, the members are motivated by Rick Metzger, they learn about the MN Farm Bureau, and the state and national government. The members participate in a mock senate session and participate in group activities.WLC
The Washington Leadership Conference is held in Washington D.C. Members from across the nation unite to tour Washington D.C. and learn about the country's government. While there, members had the chance to participate in service hours and meet with representatives. -
Supervised Agricultural Experience
An SAE program is a planned practical agricultural activity which supports skill and competency development, career success and application of specific agricultural and academic skills a student has learned through classroom instruction in agricultural education.
A SAE program is the actual, hands-on application of concepts and principles learned in the agricultural education classroom. Students are supervised by agricultural education teachers in cooperation with parents, employers and other adults who assist them in the development and achievement of their educational and career goals.
FFA provides support materials to local teachers who implement effective SAE programs, along with motivational activities and award incentives available through funds raised by the National FFA Foundation.
The three components of Agricultural Education working in combination - Supervised Agricultural Experience, Agricultural Education and FFA - provide FFA members with an advantage in the job market, in attaining scholarships and college enrollments, in starting their own business and in developing a plan for success in life.
The National FFA Organization does not select, control or supervise the student's SAE activities. -
Career Development Events
FFA Upcoming Events
FFA World's Toughest Rodeo at XCel Energy CenterFebruary 6th, 2016. The bus will be leaving from the front of the school at 4:30 p.m. Rodeo begins at 7:30 p.m. There is a free concert afterwards, so we expect to be back to the high school around 12:30-1:00 a.m. Please bring food/drink and/or spending money. Tickets cost $23 and include bus ride and admission. See Mrs. Tax asap if interested-tickets must be pre-ordered.FFA Adopt a Highway -1Where: Meet in Ag room after school. Report to Highway 47 out of Lastrup
When: After school, meet in Ag Room
Dress appropriately: Jeans, tennis shoes, etc.
After we are done, we will come back to school for a pizza party.FFA Movie Night -Bring a favorite movie, pizza and pop will be provided
Where: Ag Room
When: tbaFebruary CDE's
Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, B.I.G., Creed Speaking, Ag Sales, Job Interview, DebateWear OD (official dress)
Emilie Smude--President
Josi Smude--Vice President
Catherine Wehseler--Secretary
Isabelle Dulude--Reporter
Isabelle Smude--Treasurer
Katlyn Gotvald--Sentinal