- Pierz Schools
- Community Ed Homepage

Register by calling 320-468-6458 ext 7 or complete this form.
3.0 Skill Rating Players at this level know the fundamentals of pickleball and the rules.
3.5 Skill Rating Becoming a 3.5 pickleball player means understanding the game better and being able to apply strategies.
4.0 Skill Rating As a 4.0, you're an exceptional pickleball player through and through. There's still room for improvement, of course, but you're in a very good spot right now.
Behind the Wheel and registration for afterschool childcare are still in Edutrak but will also transition to the new store after school starts.
Activities/Athletics and Community Education are both hosted in the rSchools store but they are 2 stores and you need to create an account in each.
PLEASE don't hesitate to call Sarah Funk for community ed classes or Colleen Pittman for high school activities if you can't find what you are looking for.
Community Education
Community Education exists to provide lifelong learning opportunities for members of the Pierz community and surrounding areas.
Advisory CommitteeCommunity Education has an advisory committee. The purpose of the committee is to provide input into the planning, growth, development, and evaluation of the Community Education program in District 484. Meetings are held quarterly throughout the year. Current members include: Tina Boser, Amber Cekalla, Nadya Gotvald, Mary Gritzmacher, Kristine Hoheisel, Dale Janson, Tammy Saehr, Amy VanKeuren, Superintendent George Weber, Board Member Ashley Toops, and Director Sarah Funk. If you have an interest in serving on this committee, please feel free to contact any of the members listed above..Registration and FeesRegister online by clicking on an icon to the right. This will take you to the web store. You can always register by calling 320-468-6458 ext 7 or emailing sfunk@pierzschools.org or come in person to the High School in Pierz. Please leave/send a message with the class, your name, and phone number. Registration is not completed until payment is made. Checks should be made out to Pierz Schools.
Refunds less than $20 will be held to be used for your next class registration. Cancelations after the deadline may result in forfeiture of a partial or full class fee depending on whether the class fee is structured based on a certain number of participants and materials.